Yoga Workshops & Events 2024
Half Day Retreat Sun 8th September 10-2pm SOLD OUT
Come Home to The Earth…..with yoga, breathing, sound therapy and a light lunch
@ The Yoga Garden, Knepp Estate, West Sussex RH13 8NQ
This half day retreat will be spent in a large yurt, nestled in nature where you can truly tune in to the sounds sights and smells of the season.
This retreat explores late summer - the earth element, the in-between season of summer and autumn. The overall aim is to gently move the mind and body from the yang of summer when energy is at it’s most vibrant, towards a more grounded, earthy rooted place towards yin and doing less.
Being in nature supports this transition perfectly, connecting us deeper to the richness and energy of the seasons expression.
We will be outside to breathe, feel, smell and gaze. We will be inside sharing space together in a beautiful yurt looking inward. Center stage of the yoga sequence is the gut and digestion, working with the stomach, spleen and pancreas. With the shift of yang energy towards yin, we can observe where we might be out of balance: So stop and take stock: Do you feel overwhelmed, or under-challenged? Inspired, or drained? Late Summer is the pause you’ve been looking for to reset and re-centre.
Maggie Mason is joining us with her magical sound therapy using gongs and crystal bowls, channeling your imagination as she takes you on a journey of deep relaxation to restore inner harmony and balance.
All this is followed by a healthy nutritious vegetarian lunch.
Spaces are limited to 12 and car sharing can be made available should you need a lift.
Free parking on site
Investment: £70
To Book: Email a YES and then make payment to:
Ms D Dearle
40: 14: 03
Ref: Yurt
Introducing Katonah Yoga - The Theory and Practice of Good Measure
New date coming
The Float Spa, Hove (new location on New Church Rd)
This workshop introduces Katonah Yoga to those completely new to the practice and
offers a good re-cap for those who are already familiar.
What to expect:
An explanation of what Katonah yoga is and how it differs from other yoga practices.
A physical practice of asana using measuring tools and props. A sequence of poses exploring how you fit yourself. Setting up your base for stability.
The theory – introducing The Magic Square, a template used to inform you of where you are in your body, in a pose and how it helps keep you together
Pranayama and guided visualisation
In brief, Katonah is a blend of hatha, taoist philosophy, chinese medicine and sacred
geometry. Developed by Nevine Michaan in the 1980’s, this style of yoga borrows from
the best knowledge of both eastern and western philosophies putting it in a highly
accessible framework relevant to moving forward in modern life.
It’s all about finding your potential and becoming spherical. It’s about finding centre of
your sphere, centre of your circumstances so that you can mediate polarities. Once
you put yourself in the middle, centre, you have choice – when you have choice you
have power.
Another aspect of Katonah is that it uses metaphors such as ‘The Body as A House’
The Body as A Car’ Asana is origami for the body….Using metaphors and archetypes
takes you out of the personal and into the universal so we can feel more connected
with nature and each other, rather than separate from.
This first workshop covers how to measure up in a pose, giving you a framework of
reference. Once this is achieved, the practitioner can establish stability. Strength,
structure and stability form the foundation from the feet to the hips.
Open to all we will measure up, see how well we fit ourselves from measure, play with
a sequence of folding and unfolding with add ons and then use the breath to bring
volume in to the mind-body.
Theory is an important part of Katonah yoga to give you knowledge of what you’re
doing and why and to introduce templates to layer over your practice.
Much like following a recipe, once you know it well and have good technique you can
add your own flavours and seasoning.
This workshop introduces the concept of Katonah’s most recognised templates:
THE MAGIC SQUARE. A grid of numbers used to add a different reference to your
experience. It helps your mind travel well in your body to hold you together.
To Book:
Ms D Dearle
40:14:03 / 22465531 / Ref: Katonah
Coming in October……….POLES workshop
Wickwoods Country Club, Hotel & Spa
Shaves Wood Lane, Albourne,
Nr Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 9DY
A Katonah Yoga Workshop
Put a spin on your yoga practice and experience a unique yoga workshop, using a 6 ft wooden pole to add a new dimension to your yoga experience.
By using the pole, you transform a simple line into a sphere, allowing you to explore more range of movement in all directions. The pole serves as a reference point, mimicking the plumb line and helping you organise yourself in time and space.
As you move the pole around, above, and below your head, you create more spaciousness in your joints, particularly in the wrists and shoulders. The weighted pole, opens up your back and helps combat density as you age.
Throughout this workshop, you will be guided through various movements and sequences. By finding your centre within this expanded sphere, you will delve into new and interesting ways of connecting the mind to the body and the body to the breath.
Join us for this transformative workshop and discover the possibilities that arise from incorporating a wooden pole into your yoga practice.
Previous Yoga Workshops 2023
Becoming Spherical Workshop with Lisa Dunn Sunday 29th October 2-5pm @ Space Studios
St Augustine’s Centre, Stanford Avenue/Florence Road, Brighton. BN1 6EA
Free Parking on site
Join us for 'Let's Get Spherical' a Katonah Yoga workshop, where we delve into the art of back-bending and explore the concept of moving around oneself to overcome personal obstacles.
At its core, the goal of yoga is to be well-rounded and integrated and in this second Katonah Yoga Workshop, we will dive into the practice of unfolding the joints of the body to achieve the spherical poses of Yoga through the lens of Katonah Yoga.
With its emphasis on geometry, it allows us to create dimension and volume within our three-dimensional bodies. Instead of limiting ourselves to linear movements, we learn to embody the spherical nature of our physical beings.
During this workshop, we will discover that twisting requires more than just a simple left and right movement. When we twist around a central plum line, we unlock a world of dimension that opens up our field of vision. Moreover, this spherical practice helps flush and open up our organs while balancing the glandular system. Consider these poses as tools that serve a pragmatic purpose in our yoga practice.
Being spherical extends beyond physicality; it signifies a state of resilience and adaptability. Embracing these shapes allows us to bounce back when faced with challenges. Life inevitably throws us curveballs, and we experience moments of illness and loss. What truly matters is how quickly we can bounce back from adversity. Remaining poised at the centre of our circumstances, within our sphere, we take the time we need to recuperate, reorganise, and reevaluate. Then, we radiate back into the game of life.
Katonah Yoga, a practice developed by Nevine Michaan, integrates classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, sacred geometry, mythology, metaphor, and imagination. This alchemical blend forms a practical framework that nurtures personal and communal well-being, fostering resilience in practitioners.
At the heart of Katonah Yoga's esoteric dialogue lie three principles:
1. All polarities are mediated by trinity, emphasising the importance of navigating life's highs and lows.
2. Recognising that the universe follows patterns, we find solace in knowing that order exists amidst chaos. Nature itself presents predictable patterns, such as the rising and setting of the sun, the phases of the moon, and the changing seasons.
3. Through repetition, we gain insight. Each time we repeat shapes, patterns, and sequences in our practice, we have the potential to uncover new revelations.
Places are limited so book early via Lisa's weblink:
Fits and Folds - An Introduction to Katonah Yoga
Sunday 30th July 2-5pm
Space Studios Brighton , St Augustine’s Centre, Stanford Avenue/Florence Road, Brighton. BN1 6EA
Free Parking on site
A next level yoga experience from New York
Learn how to fit yourself so you are well informed with your yoga experience, gaining greater competency to infuse your practice with dimension, energy, and refinement.
Join Lisa Dunn and Di Dearle for the first ever collaboration, the UK’s only Katonah teachers.
What to expect.
Katonah yoga is a integration of Hatha yoga with theories of sacred geometry to help develop stability and dimension. It has a Taoist philosophy to help observe how we conform to nature’s patterns in our bodies. The practice is peppered with Pranayama and Kundalini that moves breath through our physical terrain, serving as a conduit between the body and mind, soothing the soul.
In this Katonah Yoga workshop you will explore techniques of geometric measure. If a pose is measured well the body is supported by its own structure rather than relying on muscle. By reforming our body’s unconscious habits and introducing more informed and efficient patterns, yoga becomes origami for the body - get the first fold right then the rest falls into place. Learning to fit yourself sets up conditions for greater self-knowledge and a more expansive vision, which leads to personal change.
Through the use of props to help scaffold the body we learn where we like to go and where we don’t!
Using the metaphor of Our Body as a House you get to organise, spring clean and ventilate the body to enjoy living fully in your abode.
Learn to manipulate the breath to fill your tank and harness the potential of your true power.
With Katonah yoga’s unique and potent physical assists you will be taken to new places and may even have some epiphany moments!
This workshop is open to both teachers and students who are curious to explore the maps of the mind and body.
Investment £60 / £50 Concessions - please get in touch
Yoga for Hormonal and Glandular Health
Autumn dates coming….
In our chaotic lives, balance can seem like a totally unachievable goal—or at least, one that requires a massive overhaul. Regaining health in the body and mind is a layering of simple techniques and strategies over time. Strategies as small as incorporating 5-10 minutes of breathing techniques into your day can have a massive impact on your mood, digestive and endocrine systems, and energy levels.
In this workshop, we look at the entire picture of the body as everything is incredibly integrated—nothing takes place in the mind that does not affect the body, and vice versa. When trying to bring our endocrine and glandular system back into balance, we manipulate our bodies through yoga and pranayama so we can reorganize our bodies and find space to participate in life more fully.
The endocrine system is made up of organs called glands. Glands produce and release different hormones that target specific things in the body. You have glands all over your body, including in your neck, brain, and reproductive organs.
There will be a strong focus on the Thyroid as this is one of the most important organs in the body which controls so much in the body including metabolism, heart rate, breathing, digestion, body temperature, brain development, mental activity, skin and bone maintenance, fertility.
What to expect ?
A safe, calming space with everything you need (all equipment provided)
Like minded women who value self-cultivation and self-empowerment seeking support and connection
A sequence of specific yoga postures with organs and glands in mind, some fluid and flowing, others slow and held over time with scaffolding (props) to support the process of healing and releasing.
Pranayama to stimulate and flush the glands. Pranayama to soothe and calm the nervous system.
Yoga nidra into deep rest to reset, re-balance and restore. Meditation and visualisations.
Details of how to book your place:
Investment: £50
Email me a yes please ! Then make payment directly to:
Ms D Dearle / 40:14:03 / 22465531 / Ref: workshop
Living The Menopause Day Event 1st April 2023 @ Wagner Hall Brighton
I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Brighton Women’s Wellness and will be teaching two 90 minute yoga classes with breath work to help you manage hormone balance and many of the symptoms that present themselves during this time of life.
This is a day dedicated to providing advice and information on how to manage the challenges of menopause through nutrition, lifestyle, yoga and hormone health. The event aims to offer a supportive environment for women to learn about the positive changes they can make in their lives during this phase.
Full details and to book:
Feeling Anxious ? Confused ? Overwhelmed ? Tired ? Forgetful ? Please share with other women and reach out for support